Electric cad Unidraf Pro

by Sinwa Electric Corp.


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*** Electrical Design Goes into Mobile Age! **** Unidraf Pro is the bilingual Android mobile application of the electrical design CAD Unidraf (Windows) currently most used in the electric industry in the world.* Unidraf Pro can create and edit an electric drawing, and also can edit the drawing data created by Unidraf for Windows.* Because Unidraf Pro is supporting Unicode which can express the languages in the world, it can create the electric drawing of all the countries.* If you manage drawing data on a cloud, because you can access required drawing data from any locations by mobile computing devices, such as a smart phone and a tablet, you will be able to respond to state of emergency immediately.* If you use Unidraf Pro on mobile computing devices, in arrangement / adjustment / directions / check work etc., paper drawings will become unnecessary, and saving of time and reduction of a mistake will be realized.* The general symbols and outer frame formats for electric drawings are preinstalled.* Unidraf Pro can edit the data of Unidraf7 (extension: ZMW) and Unidraf2010 (extension: PDW) for Windows. Old Unidraf data (ZMN, PDN, etc.) can be edited by converting them on Unidraf7 or Unidraf2010.
The Main Functions of Unidraf Pro* Creation of a symbol and an outer frame format* Basic drawing commands (Straight line / Box / Circle / Arc / Character / Marking)* Electric drawing commands (Power line / Connect line / OR) : They can be arranged on a grid.* Color / Line style / Line width* Edit functions (Data Selection / ANDO-REDO / deletion / movement / copy / change)
Page Information Setting* Type : Hard / Soft / Input / Output / Others / Drafting* Paper size : A4 vertical / A4 width / A3 vertical / A3 width* Circuit type : Vertical type / Horizontal type* Line grid : Number / Interval* Row grid : Number / Interval* The offset value for circuit grids* Start address* Page name / Drafting by / Format name / Symbol name
Support OS : Android 3.1 or more